


Author: Ana-Maria Bamberger

The Old Red Lion Theatre London, 2-13 November 2021

Streamed internationally on demand on 27 November 2021 - 31 January 2022 on

Something strange is afoot at the Belvedere psychiatric clinic.

Anton, a famous writer, has checked himself into Belvedere to receive treatment for his hallucinations. But after a few weeks he seems to have become the subject of a medical study by young Dr. Defoe. Now Anton is tired of being locked away alone and isolated with his own thoughts. As a mysterious visitor from Anton's past appears, the border between reality and imagination is blurred.

Belvedere is a thrilling, witty, and moving play about creativity, mental health, and memory that will keep you at the edge of your seat.

Cast: Dan March, Tracey Ann Wood, Stefan Menaul

Director: Lydia Parker

Set and Costume Design: Tamsin Robinson

Lighting Design: Jonathan Chan

Sound Design: Odinn Orn Hilmarsson

Movement director: Tracy Bargate

Stage Manager: Matt Carnazza

Producer: Antonia Georgieva

Presented by Over Here Theatre Company and Magus Theatre Productions


London Production - Press:

Theatre Weekly: 4 stars

„Witty, humorous dialogues on the one hand, and a profound reflection upon mental health, imagination, relationships, and relativity of time on the other. You can find all of it and so much more in Belvedere, the critically acclaimed European play by Romanian-born playwright Ana-Maria Bamberger, directed by Lydia Parker at the Old Red Lion Theatre.“


The Reviews Hub: 4 stars

„Writer Ana-Maria Bamberger carefully breaches the topic of mental health, giving an insight into a creatively fragile mind. She presents Anton as an intriguing character, making the audience second guess the reality as much as he does as a patient. As the narrative progresses the audience are left guessing as to where the truth really lies, with no concrete certainty, due to the brilliant addition of mirroring within the storyline.

Anton, played by the impeccable Dan March, is wonderfully well layered. He is extremely intelligent, but frustratingly trapped within the confines of his own mind, lines blurred between imagination and reality. March captures every aspect of the persona perfectly, erratic yet docile, confused yet sharp, self-assured yet insecure. His talent draws in the audience and dominates the stage in every interaction.

Stephanie played by Tracey Ann Wood, and Dr. Defoe played by Stefan Menaul are great counterparts to March, with both drawing out different sides within his character’s personality. The quick-witted rapport between Menaul and March provides some lighter, comedic scenes, while the gentle, wistful approach by Wood evokes the emotion. Between the three of them all bases are covered."


London Pub Theatres Magazine: 4 stars

"The play written by Romanian-born playwright Ana-Maria Bamberger gets a make-over from American director Lydia Parker with attention to economic sound and atmospheric lighting. The sparingly used sound by Odinn Orn Hilmarsson adds a chilling touch to this quietly driven drama. Parker’s steady hand is matched by the lead actor Dan March as Anton, giving a subtle performance of a mildly unhinged state."


International Productions - Press:

“A poetic and funny text. A great moment of theatre to enjoy.”

(Anne Delaleu, Théâtre Passion, Paris)


"A well-written, original, and touching play. Run to see it!”

(Gilbert Bourdon, Bobines et Papyrus, Paris)


“Intelligent and highly enjoyable theatre“ 

(Hamburger Morgenpost)


“A subtle and exciting game between reality and illusion” 

(Funk Korrespondenz)

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